This has been a short week! In the time that I have had to work on the dolls
this is what I have accomplished.
The Izannah Walker inspired doll now has all her underclothes. A camisole, split drawers and a slip. I put double rows of cotton lace on each piece. The camisole has pearl beads and loop closures up the back, and the front has lace and a row of pearl beads. The split drawers and the slip both have a cotton draw string at the waist.
I have begun working on her dress, the bodice is blue floral, pleated all the way around. She will have puffed sleeves made of a solid blue with cuffs out of the floral. The dress skirt will be in the floral pattern, but the over-skirt will be the solid blue with lace on it.
The black doll is my new design. I am really happy the way it is turning out. It will definitely be another character.
The shoulder head, lower arms and lower legs will be painted, the body will be stained with tea and coffee.
It has it's second coat of paint now I am ready to paint the flesh color. Most of my black dolls are done in a deep umber color, I am not sure that I want to go that dark on this one, I may lighten it a shade or two.
This size of this doll is about 22-23".
I really like the body design, I think I will also be making some dolls with this body design in a smaller size.
I don't have any new photo's of the mystery doll this time, hopefully I will be able to work on it some this weekend and post some photo's next week.
Have a great holiday weekend.
Thanks for stopping by the Doll*Shoppe!